2 min readMay 24, 2021



Challenge 2: Wireframing

Wireframe is a visual representation of an app or website, in a greyscale and in a very simple way, showing just the basics elements presented in the page. One of the challenges of Ironhack Pre-work was to create a wireframe from a app. I chose Enjoei, an app to sell or buy used clothes. I particularly like its esthetics and the ease to complete a task.

Here are the screenshots:

I select 6 pages that represent a user flow from entering the account until being ready to post the products to sell. For the wireframe, I chose circles to represent icons, rectangles for big font texts, lines for small font text, squares for images. I wrote the important words to facilitate the understanding of the flow.

Here is the result:

And the prototype, following the flow: entrar > entrar > ver loja > subir produtos > ok. You can check it on :

Thank you for reading :)

